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Tyrian Homebrew für Dreamcast Alpha

Verfasst: 07.03.2008, 23:03
von Elch
Tyrian Homebrew für Dreamcast Alpha
OpenTyrian 0.1 DC (alpha)

- From svn revision 719 classic.
- Game is "playable", I think it goes a little slow.
- Pad, mouse and keyboard should work.

Known problems:
- Instruccions section doesn't work and produce a crash...
- Sound and music work, but also they play badly. It would be great to implement an optimized sound routine (like gp2x version). Any ideas?
- Load and save doesn't work yet (have to implement vmu routines).

- Analogic or digital stick to move spaceship.
- Start: Like enter button
- A: Fire
- X: Fires left secondary weapon.
- B: Fires two secondary weapons.
- L: Like escape button