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Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von hombreimaginario »

We are back. Xenocider is now open for pre-order and we have a new, updated demo available!

http://retrosumus.com/2016/09/xenocider ... -new-demo/






Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von Antidote »

Danke für die Info.
Leider sind 100€ ein stolzer Preis...
Kommt jetzt aber auch nur noch für Dreamcast raus.
XBL: AntidoteXxDCxX
PSN: DC-Antidote
Blog: http://www.antidotes.wordpress.com


Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von hombreimaginario »

Antidote hat geschrieben:Danke für die Info.
Leider sind 100€ ein stolzer Preis...
Kommt jetzt aber auch nur noch für Dreamcast raus.
100 is only the PAL or the steelbook edition. Both of them include the OST disc and are limited to 50 copies.

The regular edition is 45 €.

Sorry I don't speak german, I'm still trying to learn it!

Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von Antidote »

yes and thx for the Information. Anyhow, I think it's high prized.
But I like your work with 3D on Dreamcast and I hope you can reach your aim.
By the way, I pre-ordered the pal-Version ;)
Good luck for your 2nd try.
XBL: AntidoteXxDCxX
PSN: DC-Antidote
Blog: http://www.antidotes.wordpress.com

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Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von Stardragon »

Both of them include the OST disc and are limited to 50 copies.
Really only 50 copies? Are they numbered?
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Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von Gast_2778 »

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Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von Stardragon »

Deswegen meine Frage, ob sie nummeriert sind. Wenn drauf steht Nr. xx/50 können sie es schlecht machen. Soweit ich den Ausführungen am Nexgam-Forum gefolgt bin, sind die Versionen aber wirklich auf 50 limitiert. Hat bei den Pal-Versionen damit zu tun, dass es ein Problem ist, an die Hüllen zu kommen.
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Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von hombreimaginario »

Well guys, how many of you have tried the new demo?
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_xPe ... XpCdDRpNTA

Did you make it to this cute little boss? ;)


New Dev Diaries episode coming soon with news about both Xenocider and Ameba! :D

Pre-order Xenocider today:

Antidote hat geschrieben:Hi,
yes and thx for the Information. Anyhow, I think it's high prized.
But I like your work with 3D on Dreamcast and I hope you can reach your aim.
By the way, I pre-ordered the pal-Version ;)
Good luck for your 2nd try.
The PAL version is the most costy for us to produce, because of those beloved and oh-so-easy-to-break blue cases. We include the OST as a way of saying thank you to those who preorder it.

However, the regular edition can be preordered for 45€ so we believe there's something for everyone :)
Stardragon hat geschrieben:Really only 50 copies? Are they numbered?
Stardragon hat geschrieben:Deswegen meine Frage, ob sie nummeriert sind. Wenn drauf steht Nr. xx/50 können sie es schlecht machen. Soweit ich den Ausführungen am Nexgam-Forum gefolgt bin, sind die Versionen aber wirklich auf 50 limitiert. Hat bei den Pal-Versionen damit zu tun, dass es ein Problem ist, an die Hüllen zu kommen.
Really 50. No plans to number them at the moment. Actually, all editions are somewhat limited, as we only plan to print the amount that have been preordered in the moment we finish development. We may not do a second run at all, to be honest. We would only print more copies if there is (seriously) enough demand.
DragoonC hat geschrieben:ach das machen die doch eh wieder nur um den Preis in die höhe zu treiben und dann kommt second batch und alles fürn arsch. die gebarden haben wir doch jetzt oft genug gesehen bei den erschienenen Indie Titeln für die DC...
Google Translate did a poor job with this comment but... Well I think I replied to this in the previous quote :)

Nevertheles... it's really a pity if you are thinking of buying a game only for its (theoretical) re-sale value, don't you think? :(
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Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von Stardragon »

hombreimaginario hat geschrieben:Nevertheles... it's really a pity if you are thinking of buying a game only for its (theoretical) re-sale value, don't you think? :(
Yeah, really, I never would do this. That's why I didn't bought your game yet. Not my genre. It looks really great for the genre, but it's just not mine. I am surprised the limiteds aren't sold out yet. Maybe because some people fear you could make a reproduction or do more copies. 100,- € is a lot for a game. But I understand you don't earn much on the game. I wish you good luck with this. And thank you for supporting the dreamcast :)
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Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von Gast_2778 »

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Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von hombreimaginario »

Stardragon hat geschrieben:Yeah, really, I never would do this. That's why I didn't bought your game yet. Not my genre. It looks really great for the genre, but it's just not mine. I am surprised the limiteds aren't sold out yet. Maybe because some people fear you could make a reproduction or do more copies. 100,- € is a lot for a game. But I understand you don't earn much on the game. I wish you good luck with this. And thank you for supporting the dreamcast :)
I understand. Personally I don't like RPG's for instance.
DragoonC hat geschrieben:you always have to buy a game for 1. your personal interest 2. the re-selling value if the game is crap or you are bored fast
but thats not the point i was talking about. i was talking about that we all seen from the indie games released the last time, that they go with a high price from the beginning and tell everybody they will only make like 50 limited copies wolrd wide and they will never print it again, everybody falls for it and buys and then a year later if not a few month later they get fucked because the company decides to do a second batch of the same damn limited game for even a lower price.
Hucast for example took this to a whole new level by reremaking it over and over and over and over again to bleed the wallets of the community dry or as you say milk the cows. (on next gen consoles, "no mans sky" best example for deceiving people to think it actually is worth it)
thats why i personally dont ever buy any / preorder any limited game ever again. i wait till the game is out, look reviews, wait half a year to a year and then decide if its worth buying, so they dont fuck with me when it comes to the price.
"You always have to"? Oh boy... :P

I only own about 10 games for the DC, half of which are indie releases, and I've never owned more than one copy of each. Except maybe Under Defeat, as I kept my regular edition until I got the special one, then sold the former.

I loved Hucast's Ghost Blade, but I'm definitely not a fan of their modus operandi (regarding what you just said). We will never do such thing, as we would never like that ourselves as gamers / buyers. That being said, man, no law makes you buy all existing versions of a game. If you don't like something, there's no reason to buy it, don't you think?
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Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von Stardragon »

The problem DragoonC described is you don't know what you get. As he said, many buy a game for playing AND the reselling value. For some of us it is the only way to effort the next game. If they buy a game for 100,- and can still sell it a year later used for 80,- €, because it is rare, everything is all right. For 20,- € more they can buy a game like this again. Sometimes they get a bit more or less, but it works this way. If you buy a game für 100,-, because it is said to be limited and then a second batch is done for 40,- € you can only get abou 15,- € for the used later. Sometimes less. That's the problem with higher priced limited editions and why people start to think twice to buy. And why we keep asking

For me, I can afford if this happens. But then I could buy less games next times. So I also care, if companies keep their word for limited editions kepp limited. Of course everyone could buy the regular edition. But most time you loose more money when selling it later instead of buying, playing an reselling a limited. Aaaaaaand for people like me: I like having a limited version. Even if I resell it later, because I had enough of the game after some time.

As I said, the genre here is not mine. I like Shmups, but I am no fan of this kind. Thinking about Space Harrier I had fun two days with it back then. I sometimes like to play the arcade today, because of the hydraulic systems. :) My "problem" is: Maybe your game is more fun for me. It looks really cool, so I am still unsure. A bad combination for me with the high price. ;) But I will try the demo to decide (Great thing, you offer it. Thanks for that :) ).
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Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von hombreimaginario »

We have always claimed to offer total transparency. You can check out our Dev Diaries videos, our KS updates, our presence in quite a few internet boards... If possible, we never leave questions / tweets / comments unanswered. So, after seeing way too many companies (and even indie devs) accepting preorders and then delaying their releases, or making promises they don't deliver, we decided to A) release a playable demo so that potential buyers would know what to expect (even if it means they don't like how the product is shaping up), and B) work on the game until we were positive we could release the game in a reasonable time, and not take preorders until we have that confidence.

You may not like the demo at all, actually. After all it's still in a very early stage of development, and it's perhaps a bit too hard to play at the moment. The good thing is, we plan to keep releasing new screenshots, videos and even betas to keep our audience informed. It's the least we can do if we expect people to trust us with their hard-earned money.

That being said... I hope you like the demo, of course :P

Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von Gast_2778 »

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Re: Xenocider

Beitrag von hombreimaginario »

DragoonC hat geschrieben:yes, you show confidence in what you do, that is a good thing. i will download the newest demo and then play it when i get a new batch of cdrs.
i like on rail shooters as much as shmups, but to me Xeoncider looked a bit awful with its sluggish running animation thats not fixed to the speed the ground is passing by. i didnt see the graphics with my own eyes, but if you think of a new on rail shooter, you always expect graphics like rez and will unconsciously compare it to that.

but still, i think the PAL version is way too pricey !
the regular version costs 45€ , so how the hell you go just for a PAL case double and more the price of the game itself !?
We've already explained this before. The PAL cases are not easy to get in mint condition and are even harder to manufacture by ourselves, so either option is equally costy for us. That's why we keep it limited to only 50 copies. As a thank you to those who buy it, we include the OST as well. We know it's pricey, but it was either that or not offering that edition at all (which, all things considered, might have been the best choice?)...

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