Elysian Shadows - neues RPG für Dreamcast

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Re: Elysian Shadows - neues RPG für Dreamcast

Beitrag von Maturion »

Und mittlerweile ist das Projekt bei 163.000 $ und es geht noch etliche Tage. :mrgreen:
Dreamcast träumt weiter
Xbox Live GamerTag: Maturion
a.k.a. edge.
a.k.a. edge.

Re: Elysian Shadows - neues RPG für Dreamcast

Beitrag von edge. »

Was machen die mit dem Überschuss?
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Re: Elysian Shadows - neues RPG für Dreamcast

Beitrag von Stardragon »

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Re: Elysian Shadows - neues RPG für Dreamcast

Beitrag von Stardragon »

Das das Projekt tot ist und wir alle unser Geld in den Wind pusten können, haben wir uns ja schon gedacht. Aber vielleicht für den ein oder anderen interessant. Am 3.3.31 hat Falco auf Facebook das folgende gepostet. Ist leider nicht wirklich hilfreich und mir fehlt ein wenig irgendeine Spur von Verantwortung:
So I have obviously spent some serious time away from social media... I moved away to Boston, MA to join AMD, I became a father to a beautiful baby son, and then we just moved back south to the Durham, NC area after I accepted my dream position as a Senior Console Tools Engineer with Nvidia... Have I given up on ES? Lolno. But I needed to distance myself from my social media and online presence...

I think everyone on here knows I was more than a bit of a social media narcissist, and hey, it worked out pretty well for me for years and years, and ultimately led me to where I am today... But there was a darker side. I went from being an insecure nerd to internet fame in a few important developmental years. I absolutely thrived on the wonderful words of affirmation I got from everyone, the praise I got from my peers, and it motivated me to no end... but little did I know, it would also one day prove to be my biggest weakness...

After failing to complete our Kickstarter on time (which sure, I'm more than happy to take full responsibility for), for the first time in my life, I had to experience it all do a complete 180... For the first time I learned what it was to be hated. To have my work shit on. To have my name dragged through the mud, to have horrible, untrue things said about me, to have to confront the fact that secretly I even agreed with half of the claims that I was a failure from the people who I hated, which just made me hate myself more... My source of motivation and inspiration became my source of torment, to the point that I didn't even want to work on my own life's work and on my dream project anymore...

Then when I became a father, I knew I had to distance myself and pull my head out of my ass. I had to rebuild my own self esteem away from all of the superficial, fleeting praise that I had previously been showered with. I had to find a motivation that went far beyond what I could get seeking Facebook "likes" and Twitter "retweets" like a cheap crack whore fiending for her next dopamine fix...

I worked on myself. I stopped a lot of self-destructive habits that I had picked up killing myself for the Kickstarter (read: drug addiction). I spent day and night perusing the scientific and academic literature looking for how to rebuild my physical and mental strength, how to come off of my antidepressants, and how to become happy and healthy again... and eventually... you know what? I found it. I made diet, exercise, fasting, and supplements the cornerstone of my life... Shit, I even took up meditation! With the same rigor and determination that I pursued computer engineering with, I pursued my own health, and I was even fortunate enough to discover that I truly did have the intellectual capacity for a second passion in my life.

After spending my entire adult life weight lifting (and still being fat and metabolically dysfunctional), I just figured I'd never have a 6 pack... but I finally achieved one without much effort. I found out most of what the "scientists" tell you about health and diet is complete fucking bullshit propaganda led by the interests of big food and of a bunch of Harvard professors whose antiquated work has become "too big to be wrong." I got into the best shape of my life. I felt better after age 30 than I ever was able to in my 20s, and I even found happiness... Well, mostly. Except for the nagging feeling that I could never truly be happy or live with myself without finishing this game... What would I say to my son, as I teach him to fight for his dreams and to never give up?

But then as I was gearing up to crawl my sorry ass back onto social media platforms, something funny happened. The same social media bastions of freedom where I grew up as a 13 year-old able to broadcast his loud, crude humor and late nights cussing up a storm while pursuing the glory of computer engineering--inspiring an entire generation along the way--had suddenly changed. No longer were people able to say what they want here. No longer could a little ADHD kid with a big mouth organically work his way up from nothing with a less-than-politically correct attitude. No longer could someone make a living or even a side income on such platforms without self-censoring or spreading a message that was even remotely against the mainstream.

Nope. I had to confront the sad reality that the majority of the kinds of posts and videos that I grew up making, that built my audience, that made me relevant, that even allowed Elysian Shadows to get as far as it did, are no longer welcome or appreciated today. That YouTube rankings are more about how much you're paying for advertisement or how much money you're making them than they are about audience engagement. That free exchange of ideas was replaced with censorship. That being "offended" became more important than being right. That entire political groups were being censored and voices were being silenced just for disagreeing with big tech. That many of these amazing doctors whose work helped me find my own health and fitness, whose views I could literally verify in the medical literature were now being deleted, censored, and silenced just for having the audacity to question the media's narrative surrounding COVID... That no matter how big you think you are, you can have the entire thing ripped away from you for slipping up and saying something that can be misconstrued by a bunch of childish narcissists who see fit to make everything about them.

I've even seen my wife's posts, which I could prove to be 100% true in the scientific literature (and you could as well with a 2 second Pubmed search), be taken down and censored as "misinformation" by the fascist "fact checkers" of Facebook who offered zero actual evidence--not one peer reviewed scientific paper--to defend their stance and conveniently provided no avenue through which to post a rebuttal. Is that how a debate works? Is that how rational human beings in an enlightened society determine what is true and what is false? Based on what information unqualified, uneducated "fact checkers" employed by big tech deem you worthy of consuming?

So where the fuck does this dystopic authoritarian pseudo-scientific Orwellian shitfest of an internet leave me? Other than truly, sincerely sorry from the bottom of my heart that my son can never experience the freedom that I did growing up? Other than me grieving that what was once glorious independence and freedom hard-earned from building an online audience and becoming an "influencer" has now become the worst kind of servitude? Where rather than being your own boss and being judged based on your work and content, everyone else is your boss, and the sum worth of your digital existence is to be weighed against their arbitrary standards?

It's not even about political correctness or being "offended" anymore. The cancer has permeated into the hard sciences. Where studies questioning mask efficacy or rightfully pointing to metabolic syndrome as the largest controllable risk factor for COVID are ideas that are too "dangerous" to be allowed to freely spread? Are we really that stupid? Are we really that easily manipulated and controlled? Are we really that evolutionarily unfit to confront ideas that challenge our own? Were our ancestors so weak, we wouldn't be here right now.

It leaves me wondering if there's a point. It leaves me wondering if I really do want to come back to it all. To know all of the pain and hardships that spending so much time in the public eye entail, especially after the mistakes I've made, and the penance I know I have to pay... and now I know that the rules of the game aren't even fair. Everything you've worked for, every post you've made, every meaningful piece of content you've contributed to these platforms that could have inspired dozens of kids to pursue engineering or science can be removed at a moment's notice because they decide that they don't like you or your message? Is that really a fight that's worth fighting? Is that really even the type of audience you want? Is that the kind of platform you want to invest your intellectual energy into? I'm truly not sure anymore.

Anyway, I'm ending the rant here. I'm sure everyone noticed that I went from Facebook addict to gone for years, and I absolutely owe everyone who has ever supported me or my work this explanation, but I really didn't know what to say, and I still don't. I still don't know how to handle it... Shit, I don't know that this post won't be deleted by the "fact checkers" for what I've already said. Just know that I love you all and truly appreciate the support you've shown through all of these years from the bottom of my heart, and I am truly, sincerely sorry for any trouble that my failures may have caused over the years.
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Re: Elysian Shadows - neues RPG für Dreamcast

Beitrag von Maryokutai »

Klingt ehrlich gesagt nach einem total paranoiden Aluhutträger und mir wird Angst und Bange wenn ich dran denke, dass er ein Kind erzieht.

Re: Elysian Shadows - neues RPG für Dreamcast

Beitrag von staR-Kron »

Wow, diese Wall of Text war ja echt die reinste Zeitverschwendung. :roll:
Wann immer es "Neuigkeiten" zu diesem Projekt gibt, freue ich mich wieder, dass ich damals Probleme mit meiner Prepaid-Kreditkarte hatte und darum dann doch nicht pledgen konnte :lol:
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Re: Elysian Shadows - neues RPG für Dreamcast

Beitrag von Stardragon »

Klingt für mich ein wenig, wie jemand, der vorher schon nicht so richtig mit dem Medium Internet umzugehen wusste und es jetzt gar nicht mehr versteht. Und versucht, darin die Entschuldigung dafür zu finden, warum er seine Arbeit nicht macht, die von anderen finanziert wurde. Und offenbar versucht er sich selbst noch einzureden, dass er das Projekt nicht aufgegeben hat. Sonst müsste er sich auch die Frage gefallen lassen, warum er das restliche Geld nicht zurück gibt.
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